Picture Time: Boyd is a B.A.M.F.

I'm currently waiting for files to copy over between a couple computers this morning. While waiting I figured I would start the first of many Picture Time: posts that you'll find here.

The reason my face is so distorted in this picture is because just to the right of me, out of view of the shot, a good friend of mine had just flicked cigar ashes into the wind. Their final destination: my looker-balls. Still, even with the cigar ashes in my eyes, I do appear to be a B.A.M.F. with those two links of 7.62 draped around me.

Eat your heart out, Rambo.

Circa 2005, Kuwait
26th Marine Expeditionary Unit


Mr. Jester said...

HaHa damn looks like a real life Master Chief where is the warthog?????

Boyd said...

Well, my warthog is actually in the picture. You can see one of the back doors to my LAV-MEWSS vehicle beside me, open.

I only wish I could have blasted waves of Covenant for six months instead of eating sand.

Anonymous said...

Damn Boyd,, i didnt realize we are in such close proximity of each other as we are... BB